Apostolic Singles Ministry

Ministers of Jesus Christ
Church of The Lord Jesus Christ
Assemblies of The Apostolic Faith
Atlanta, Georgia – USA
Apostle Dennis G. Smith, Pastor and Spiritual Overseer

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The purpose of the Singles Ministry is to establish a fellowship gathering for Christian men and women to socialize with one another through activities and events from singlehood to marriage.


Our Teachings from the “Ministers of Jesus Christ Singles Ministry Pamphlet” are,

  1. Singles Ministry means to establish a relationship with the opposite sex, Male to female according to the bible teachings of righteousness and holiness without sin for the purpose of marriage to death do you part.
  2. Singles Ministry teaches you to avoid Fornication ( pornography) and that every form of unchastity is included in the term “fornication”:

III. Singles Ministry teaches you that the process of obtaining a husband or a wife involves courtship and dating and that some conduct should be avoided as it leads to sin.

  1. Singles Ministry teaches you that the twain (two of you male and Female) will become: One Flesh, one unit of Love that will result in the procreation of Children. Mark 10thChapter
  2. Singles Ministry teaches you that you will leave your Father and Mother and become united in Love with your companion or friend.
  3. Singles Ministry teaches you that you must work.

Each teaching is broken down for your learning in our Singles Ministry Pamphlet.  Click here to read. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:va6c2:8fbaa91c-9824-4fdb-a824-421e9149673e


Contact Us_________________________

For more information or questions about MJOC Singles Ministries, please email us at info@ministersofjesuschrist.com

We look forward to hearing from you soon……Be Blessed
Copyright © 2009 [Ministers of Jesus Christ ]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 12/03/12


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